Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Decluttering sputtering

As I continue to declutter and purge drawer by drawer, room by room, I keep thinking about what my end goal is. I can see it very clearly. As I look around my future decluttered home everything is put away nicely, there are open counters, bare tabletops, and space in my closets. Kind of like an Apple store before it opens the doors. And I imagine how awesome that will feel. So why then, do I waffle over keeping a pair of jeans that i KNOW will never fit again? Why is it so hard to let go of some of these things that clearly need to go to clutter heaven (or hell)? I thought about that particular pair of jeans and realized that tied up into to that worn out denim are memories of things I did and places I went in them, my identity (when I could get away with super low waisted jeans and halter tops) and the desire to go back in time to when they did fit and were in style. Not to mention the goal setting to try and get back into them. All this emotion in a pair of pants. It amazes me how much energy I can expend going back and forth trying to decide whether to toss or keep. As I keep decluttering though, I am noticing that it is getting easier to let go of the emotional garbage that I've assigned to my material belongings. Not easy, but easier. I am telling myself that the more I can let go the more I can start to live in where I am at now and not where I was. The less stuff I have, the more time I will have because I won't be stressing about putting it away, cleaning it, worrying about organizing it or stuffing it in a closet. And at some point that will create more peace. So onward and outward (out the door!).

P.S. And yes, the jeans are in the "outbox." Put them there this morning!

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